5 Ways You’re Damaging Your Skin Without Realising

How many skincare habits do you have that you never really think twice about? Have you ever read something on the Internet or heard a generations-old skincare tip from a family member that you started utilising and never questioned? We all do it! But a lot of the habits we have are actually damaging our skin and prohibiting our skin concerns from getting any better. We’ve outlined the top 5 ways we damage our skin without realising we’re causing any harm—don’t worry, we’ve got some solutions, too!

You don’t change your pillowcase often enough

Dirt and bacteria tend to build up quite quickly on your pillowcase; seeing as your face comes into contact with it every single night, it can easily cause lots of skin issues such as blackheads and acne.

The solution? Wash and replace your pillowcase at least once a week to make sure your face stays as clean as possible while you sleep! Investing in a silk pillowcase is another option for maintaining healthy skin and hair; they absorb less product residue and don’t produce as much friction as other materials do when you toss and turn in your sleep.


Your showers are too hot or too frequent

We get it—there’s nothing better than a hot shower after a stressful day. But the heat of the water could actually be doing more damage to your skin than it’s worth. Hot water tends to strip your body of its natural oils, which dries out your skin. The same goes for showering more than once a day! Too much water has the same effect: drying.

The solution? Turn down the temp! Not only do cooler showers benefit your hair and skin, but they also stimulate your vagus nerve, which makes you feel calm and can even help you digest food better! If you can’t resist a hot shower or you need to shower multiple times a day, make sure you’re rehydrating your skin with a thick moisturiser as soon as you dry yourself down.


You’re using makeup remover wipes

Makeup wipes are super convenient when you’re travelling and on those nights when you just can’t be bothered completing your full skincare routine—but don’t let them become a daily habit! Makeup remover wipes don’t actually completely remove your makeup—rather, they more just spread it around your face. They also do nothing to actually clean your face. Any product you apply after using a makeup wipe won’t be as effective because it can’t reach your skin the way it needs to in order to work properly.

The solution? Use a cleanser instead! We’re big fans of double cleansing—that is, using an oil-based cleanser to remove your makeup before cleaning your face with a cream or foam cleanser. 


You’re not using SPF properly

We don’t mean that you’re not applying it properly (it doesn’t get much more straightforward than massaging it into your skin)—we just mean that you might be using it as an excuse to spend more time in the sun than is healthy. Vitamin D can be really great for your skin, but too much causes premature ageing and other negative side effects of sun damage. Let us break down how SPF works. Basically, take however long it takes for your unprotected skin to turn pink in the sun, and multiply that by the SPF rating on your sunscreen. For example, if it takes your skin 10 minutes to start changing colour in the sun without sunscreen, and you’re wearing an SPF 15, your SPF will protect your skin for 150 minutes, or just over two hours. 

The solution? Always do the math! Reapply SPF as needed and try to limit your time in direct sunlight. And always remember to slip, slop, slap!


You assume natural products are better for your skin

There’s been a huge uptick in the beauty industry recently in natural, organic products. They’re marketed as healthier alternatives to products that are filled with chemicals. Let’s get one thing straight: chemicals aren’t bad! You just need to know which ones are safe for topical application. Many natural products, in fact, aren’t better or safer or healthier for you than mainstream skincare products. For example, while it’s safe to use on your body, coconut oil can easily clog the pores on your face, exacerbate acne, and cause more issues than it solves. Natural products can be better for the environment, but that doesn’t always mean they’re better for your body.

The solution? Always educate yourself when it comes to what you’re putting in and on your body and face—it’s always worth the effort to make sure your skin is getting the best treatment possible! If you’re not sure what you should be putting on your face, contact us and chat to one of our therapists for some expert advice!